Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul Book Review

Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul
By Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
This is one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books. It is a compilation of stories and also quotes. There will be some that you’ll like and others that just don’t hit home. The problem is you have to read all of them…. There was one story that really angered me when I read it. But of course, there were other stories in the book that I really liked. Some made me cry of course. However, if you’re at that stage of grief where some things just make you so angry that it totally sets you afire (which many of the grieving go through that!), this might not be the best choice.
It is lengthy, but you can pick and choose what to read so it would be ok for the short attention and energy span of the grieving.