Here are the girls' grave decorations for Easter. I've been doing a lot with metal lately because it is totally weatherproof. I've had so many things damaged from the weather - warped wood especially. Plus it's easy to clean and shines when you drive past it - blinds you sometimes - I like the idea of people noticing my girls. Plus, they are so nice because they stand up and you can see them from a distance and they are super easy to put in the ground.
These are metal signs that I made using a garden trellis ($17 each) and attaching a piece of sheet metal ($3 each) to it with wire. You can get the sheet metal at HomeDepot or Lowe's by the ducting. The garden trellis you can find almost anywhere - at a nursery, home improvement or even Walmart store.
The photos and clip art I made in photoshop and then cut and laminated them. They are weatherproof also. I use a good magnet to attach them to the metal.
Then, when Easter is over, I just take them off and put some other laminated photos up. So cute and easy! I could even reuse the laminated photos and clipart next year if I want to.
I am a NOT 4 Profit digital scrapbooking designer. I give all proceeds from any kits that I've made to charity. I do this because when my girls were sick and when they died, many people (family, friends, and anonymous) helped us. This is my way of giving back, thanking those people, honoring my girls' memories and spreading love in the world because all I know is that Life is About Love. So far, A Grieving Mommy Scrapbooking Products have raised over $900 for charity.
Our Family
And Our Living Son
Life is about Love and Scrappin is my Documentation of that Love